A Little Bit of The Story

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Our Life in a somewhat large Nut-Shell!

Well, me personally, I have family all over the U.S. In Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, Flordia, Ohio, Claifornia, and in Alaska! (If I forgot about anyone, sorry let me know!) My fathers family is in Michigan mostlly, and some in Flordia and Alaska! My mother has two sons in California, unsure where her family is from.  My birth mother died in 1991.  Her family is from Pennsylvaina and some in New York, in the Southern States. My parents live between Michigan in the summer and Ohio in the winter. I have two brothers, one older and one younger, and a sister.  My family moved from Michigan in 1995 to Independence, KY. They are now living in Ohio.  Even thow I dont get to see them much, I do love and miss them all. 

I moved around a lot after that because I was in States care and ranaway a lot.  I graduated Highschool in 1997 and begun college classes right away at Somerset Community College off campus for the University of Kentucky, at that time. I graduated from UK, with my Associates Degree in  December of 1999, and then moved on to Lindsey Wilson College.  I got married to Mike Thomas in June of 1999.  Mike and I moved to Indiana where I attemted to transfer my classes to Ivy Tech but instead decided to just continue my education at Lindsey Wilson College.  I worked at a group home there in Shelbyville, Indiana, working approximently lots and lots of hours a week and then drove to college, which was supposed to be about a four hour drive.  I had classes on Monday nights and Tuesday days and then would drive back to work that night in Indiana.  Things between Mike and I were not going so good at all and had not been since shorlty after we were married.  The relationship was abusive and just not good, and do to circumstances between us and my work/school situation I had a breakdown in my life.  I left Mike in February of 2003.  I was in the hospital there in ICU, for a few days and then on bed rest for a few more and then decided that I had to get away from my husband completlly and change things in my life and decided tp move back to KY in March of 2003. My Foster Parents Penny and Jeff moved me back to KY. 

I started working at the state dock in March and met David, my baby's father in May of 2003. I got pregnant right away and decided to try and make things work with him for that reason.  I gave birth to Penny in February of 2004.  We ended up moving to Ohio were he and I thought things for us might be better.  We moved to Ohio near my parents but problems between us only got worse.  It got really old being the main provider of or home and when he finnally did work all his money went to whatever he wanted from beer to beer and more beer or games to play.  We had our second daughter, Robyn in December of 2005.  I was working at a facility there taking care of teenage sex offenders, which was at times a rough job.  I ended up going to work at my childrens daycare and a teacher aide to help pay for ther daycare expenses.  I finally decided that life was far to precious for all the fighting, arguing and trouble that came from living with an alcholic man who did not want to work so I left David directly after we moved back to KY in June of 2006. 

Alittle about my child birthing experience:

Penny was my first and nurvous I was indeed.  Every chance I got I asked the Doctor to do an ultra sound.  He could not always do one but because I had problems with my ligaments growing with her I had to have physicall therapy.  One day i asked the doctor to do the ultra sound he finally did to check on the baby.   What was supposed to be a happy moments turned into a bad scare.  The doctor noticed something was worng with the baby and sent me to a hospital in Lexington to be checked on.  They found a large mass inside the baby but was uncertain as to what it was.  They told me that after she was born I would need to have her brought to UK for tests and possible surgary.  Scared...Oh yes me and my foster mother were scared.  I did not diolate and had to have a c-section.  After she was born the doctor there said not to worry she was fine that the mass was just  a cyst that would go away and not to wprry about the warnings and things the last doctor told me to watch for.  We took her home trying to relax about it but still very worried.  since i had been of work for a few weeks prior to delievery we had no fuel heat and here it was in February so we stayed at my best friends house.  Just a few days went by and she started havign problems..I got really scared when she chooked on me and could nto catch her breath untill I got her sucktioned out.  I took her in to see the doctor.  They were going to run some tests on her but that night at home things got worse.  We ended up at the hospital in Somerset and then driven to Lexington by ambulance.  David did not even go with us.  I stayed up there with her crying and screaming for over 24 hours before they would even let her have a bottle.  A couple days went by and they put her in for exploatory surgary and found a mass larger than a grapfruit in her belly that was caused from a twisted overy that desinagrated and turned into a blood cyst.  They said if it went much longer it woudl have killed her.  I was relieved and so scared at the same time.  Her scare and what she went through they said was like a new born having a c-section!  She and I have the same scare only now her scare looks better!  Caring for her was rough at first.  It took her awhile for her body to readjust.  Everything in her was squished and her bowels could not even work right.  But eventually all that and the colic and some breathing problems went away!  Thank God for that. 

With Robyn, I was only at about 34-35 weeks and scheduled for a ultra sound, given the problems from the first born.  When the ultrasound was done the Doctor came in and said I was having the baby that day!  Very alarming it was.  The doctor said her problem was different than Peeny's.  My water level was dangerouslly high and they were extreamlly worried about brain injury and her lungs.  Less than four hours later I was delivering her!  My foster mother immediatlly left Ky almost a 4 hour drive and got to the hospital before I got there to deliver her.  I was frantic and worried because i had nothing preparred and did not know what to expect when the baby got here.  The surgary took a long time, alot of scare tissue and finally she got there.  On her way out of my belly she took her first pee all over me and the doctors and was screaming as soon as they lifted her out.  Given the roblems from both children and the big scares from birth I decided that my tubes were getting fixed after Robyn was born.  A couple days went by and the nurse at the hospital said "congradulations we now know Robyn is offically female!"  I thought she was crazy!  She then explained they were thinking she might have been a boy/girl!  Guess what people She is all GIRL!  LOL  There were no known problems at that time with her.  They said they thougth she was fine from the water level.  She ended up having a lot of breathing problems RSV and broncial problems...but we finally got throught them with a lot of er visits to childrens hospital and a couple admits.  She took after me Asthma!  She was very different than my first.  She did not want to be rocked to sleep or held alot.  She could not have things going on around her or people in the room much to sleep.  as she got a little older she was not speaking as quick as most children her age.  She screamed alot and had big fits.  Terrible twos...what that was not funny!  Paybacks to my parents could not have been close! LOL!  I love her but things are hard at times...she has speech delay and with the help of first steps program and preschool has gotten a lot better!  Her sister has been her best teacher.  Patients yes I prayed for them a lot!  As most parents do.  We discovered she dont feel pain right and with a study done on her found her to have sensory issues which explained alot of behavioral problems.  This is an ongoing situation we still working on!  Cute as a botton and mean as a snake!  Yet compassionate and caring.  She puts her big sister to the test but Penny is adapting to her well and helps mommy with her a lot..

Ok Back to the drama....LOL

I started putting my life back together for my children and I.  We were living with my foster-parents again.  I was working tring to make enough money to get out on my own.  After a short period of time and alot of help from Penny and Jeff i managed to make a new start for me and my children.  I met a man whos name was Danny who drove simi truck for a big company that hauled and put up all the lighting and special effects at concerts.  It was pretty cool, he drove with many popular bands from the Rolling Stones to Black Sabbath and even The High School Musical from tv.  I finally got to go to my first concerts an man was it wild.  The Black Sabbath was ausome.  I had a crew pass on and could walk around and come in and out of the concert from behind the stage....pretty cool for a girl like me.  The High School Musical was pretty neat too.  he had money and could have helped me support my children with ease but i lacked the compaionship and my children lacked a father figure.  I worked on remodeling his home that burnt for a while and decided I needed more.  The last show I show I went to see I realized he was into a little more then I cared to be.  Between Cheating on me and other things I decided this was not happening and once again turned a new leaf.

I was working at Adanta with Juvinilles and runaways and seemed to like the job.  After all I was used to working with that population and used to be in the program myself.  It was hard fro awhile because th job made me work 12 hour nights and with no father at home that left my foster-mother to do more raising then I could.  So I changed jobs and went to Oakwood taking care of Mentally and Physically challenged adults.  Wow some days are challenging! 

My Favorite Things To Do

  • I enjoy speding time playing with my children
  • Taking the girls to McDonald and playing with them in the playland
  • Watching my children play with each other
  • Visiting with my friends and family
  • Playing around on the computer
  • Listening to music
  • Wathing a good movie
  • sleeping when I get a chance to!

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